Fallen Series

The Writer

"People ask me: Why angels? Why paranormal? Why teens? In the beginning, I’m not sure I knew I was starting down any of those twisted paths—paths that now seem so familiar to me that they are downright comforting. In the beginning, I was just writing about love. Before Fallen, I’d written love stories and more love stories. I’d fallen in love with love stories—but they were also beginning to feel just a little bit too insular, too small. Maybe I was inspired by the lovers in my stories, but what was I saying about the world beyond them? Why should the love between two people matter to anyone else? In essence: How could love have larger implications?

That’s when I read the line in Genesis about angels looking down from Heaven, finding mortal women beautiful, and ultimately falling for them—in two senses of the word, because (the story goes) the angels sacrificed their place in Heaven for that love. Now that was a BIG love story. A big, complicated, fraught, and, most likely, doomed love story, which, I may have forgotten to add, is my favorite sort."

Lauren Kate grew up in Dallas, went to school in Atlanta, and started writing in New York.
She is the author of Fallen and The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove. She lives in Laurel Canyon with her husband and hopes to work in a restaurant kitchen, get a dog, and learn how to surf. 

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